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Collagen 360 essence

$119.20 inc. GST

Cellular serum with a lifting effect that reactivates vital skin functions, stimulating restoration processes.



More about this item

Cellular serum with a lifting effect that reactivates vital skin functions and stimulates restoration processes on the face and neck. Formulated with enriched marine collagen and chronosmart peptide, it treats wrinkles and loss of firmness, improving the quality and resistance of skin tissue. As a result, skin recovers its vitality and elasticity, pores close and wrinkles are smoothed. Its very light texture is quickly absorbed and it presents a perfect bioaffinity with the epidermis for an immediate, velvety finish.

Complimentary items

$225.00 inc. GST

$195.00 inc. GST

$195.00 inc. GST

$195.00 inc. GST

$50.00 inc. GST

$45.00 inc. GST

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