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Let’s tackle acne and acne scarring

Let’s tackle acne and acne scarring

Acne is a skin condition that typically presents as a combination of blackheads, whiteheads, spots or cysts on the face and neck. Sometimes acne can also appear on other areas of the body, such as the chest and back. We tend to associate acne with puberty and teens, but in reality, many of us experience adult onset acne or have struggled with acne continuously from our teenage years.

Things that you can do at home to improve acne

Unfortunately, there is no silver bullet when it comes to at-home acne treatments. But these suggestions have been known to help.

If you are on medication for your acne, please consult your doctor before starting any of the recommendations below.

  • Avoid mineral oils when cleansing. Natural oils are better for the skin.
  • Avoid too much alcohol in products. A ‘tingle’ is ok. A ‘burning’ sesation is not.
  • Avoid soaps and foaming washes. These break down the acid mantle of your skin.
  • Don’t pick red cysts. You will risk scarring.
  • Don’t completely strip your skin of oil and moisture.
  • Treat your skin gently and with respect.
  • Cleanse with good quality oil and balm cleansers. Good quality, light, plant-derived oils won’t clog pores; they nourish the skin and do not break you out.
  • Use topical exfoliants. Acids used topically help alleviate blocked pores, dead skin cells, and trapped hair follicles are effective. Think glycolic, lactic and salicylic.
  • Hydrate your skin and consider that it might need oil in places. You can have acne in areas and be really dry/dehydrated in others.
  • Consider supplementation. Probiotics are a good idea. Especially if you are on antibiotics. Your skin is the first place to show anything going on in the gut.
  • Fish oil works for acne. If you are a vegetarian, you can use flax.
  • Try moisturisers with water as the main ingredient for daytime use. You can use appropriate oils and balms at night.

Powerful and highly effective treatments for acne and acne scarring

Teens and adults of all ages can develop acne for a range of reasons. The good news is that many treatment options can be tailored to your condition and skin type. Our careful assessment of your skincare goals and access to advanced skin assessment technology makes it easy to choose the best treatment and routine for your skin type.

Acnelan Peel

The Acnelan peel is a deep cleansing treatment featuring a unique combination of active acne-fighting ingredients. It improves the appearance of acne, clogged pores, skin texture, and scarring. In addition to the in-clinic peels, results are best achieved utilising a course of specially formulated home care products. The home care regime also targets acne triggers and prevents a recurrence after the peel course is complete.

Forever Young BBL

Forever Young BBL is a treatment utilising broadband light (BBL). It delivers heat and energy into the layers of the skin to prevent skin aging at a genetic level. BBL corrects various skin conditions such as hyperpigmentation, freckles, photoaging, wrinkles, broken vessels, small surface veins and acne. The overall goal of BBL treatments is to maintain healthy skin, improve texture and appearance, and delay the visible signs of aging skin.

CO2 Laser scar reduction

Scars don’t need to leave a permanent mark on our skin. Our scar repair treatments physically break down and reduce old scar tissue and stimulate the production of new collagen to replace it. Our skin specialists can help you determine the optimal solution for treating your scars. We offer several highly effective, non-surgical treatment options to treat scarring caused by acne.

Next steps

Dealing with active acne and acne scarring can impact your confidence, the good news is that there are many effective treatments available in-clinic to dramatically improve the health, texture and appearance of your skin. We recommend booking in for a VISIA Skin Analysis with one of our highly skilled clinicians so that they can prescribe a treatment plan and recommend complementary skincare products from our Mesoestetic clinical range. 


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