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Facial Asymmetry

Our faces are as different as we are, and asymmetry can make us feel either uniquely beautiful or unattractive.

Nothing in nature is perfectly symmetrical.

Facial asymmetry can be part of what makes you uniquely attractive, or it can affect your self-confidence. If your face is slightly asymmetrical, know that you are in the majority. Several options are available to improve your facial symmetry that does not require any form of surgery and the associated downtime.
Inserting fillers directly into the face via a small injection makes it possible to correct facial asymmetry. Fillers can help raise eyebrows that don’t appear even or smooth the wrinkles on one side of the face. Fillers work well for asymmetry that results from tissue imbalance or muscle weakness.
If your facial asymmetry results from the shape of your nose, non-surgical nose contouring can make your nose appear symmetrical. Nasal features can be smoothed down or filled out for a straighter and more streamlined appearance.

Facial asymmetry treatment options

Many facial asymmetries can be addressed using non-surgical, minimally invasive cosmetic treatments. With our range of professional facial contouring treatments, you can enjoy a more symmetrical face.



Enhance your natural features and restore volume.


Erbium Glass Laser

For soft, dewy, youthful skin.


Radiofrequency Microneedling

A revolutionary treatment for skin firming, lifting and strengthening.

Products to treat Facial Asymmetry

Aspect Platinum Essential Duo 30ml

$225.00 inc. GST

Aspect Platinum Rejuvenating B 30ml

$195.00 inc. GST

Aspect Platinum Defining A 30ml

$195.00 inc. GST


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