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Skin texture

Uneven skin texture can be a combination of wrinkles, fine lines, acne, and scars. Learn more about how we can help you smooth those problems over and find a more natural texture. 

Feel good in your own skin

When we’re young, we might take smooth skin texture for granted, but as we get older and skin quality starts to decline, the effects can be noticeable and upsetting. If you’ve noticed that your skin has lost some of its softness, there’s no need to worry – we’ve got you covered. Let’s explore what causes poor skin texture and what treatments options exist to help you manage it.

There are many factors that can contribute to poor or uneven skin texture. Most of can be managed. If you are worried about the texture of your skin, consider a combination of simple lifestyle changes together with our powerful resurfacing treatments. 

The most effective way to slow changes to your skin texture is to limit your exposure to the sun. Sun damage causes premature ageing and dehydration. These effects are often compounded by other lifestyle factors. Because the effects are gradual, they aren’t immediately noticeable. 

For example, dehydration, poor dietary choices, lack of sleep, and poor skin care routines, may all contribute to poor skin texture. In order to prevent a decline in skin quality, you should consider your daily routine and make tweaks to improve it.

Left untreated, poor skin texture is likely to worsen with time. Lifestyle elements and environmental factors combined to age our skin. The good news is that improving your skin texture is easier than you may think.

For healthy skin, you’ll need to remove dead skin cells, clean out the dirt, oil and bacteria. Unclogging pores and replenishing the natural hydration which may have been lost.

While products can deliver some impact, true improvement requires deeper treatments that allow the skin to remodel and rebuild such as laser and Radiofrequency microneedling.

The right treatment for poor skin texture depends on the changes you’re experiencing. If changes in texture are significant and noticeable, it’s worthwhile seeking a professional opinion.

If you’re noticing hyperpigmentation and discolouration, increasing the vitamin C content of your regular diet may be helpful, while roughness and scale on the skin can be treated in a number of ways.

Peels, microdermabrasion and laser skin resurfacing are all helpful treatments for skin texture. Treatments such as Radiofrequency Microneedling improve skin texture by boosting collagen production. They also promote the growth of new skin tissue which can reduce visibility of fine lines and pores while improving texture. 

Skin texture treatment options

Skin texture is a common complaint that affects people of all ages and from all walks of life. Our careful assessment of your skin care goals and access to advanced skin assessment technology makes it easy to choose the best treatment and routine for your skin type. 


PDO Threads

Regain a youthful contour


Erbium YAG Laser

Achieve a radiant, youthful complexion


Broadband Light (BBL)

Reverse the aging process

Products to treat Skin texture

Aspect Platinum Essential Duo 30ml

$225.00 inc. GST

Aspect Platinum Rejuvenating B 30ml

$195.00 inc. GST

Aspect Platinum Defining A 30ml

$195.00 inc. GST


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