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Reverse the signs of sun damage

Reverse the signs of sun damage

Sun-damaged skin is a fact of life, especially when living in this beautiful sunburnt country of ours. Although Australian weather is wonderful and full of warmth and sunshine (most of the time), we also live in a country where the ozone layer is greatly depleted. This magnifies the strength of sunburn and increases surface UVB levels, meaning our skin is constantly exposed to the harsh sun and more prone to sun damage.

When it comes to the sun leaving its mark on our skin, we all know that prevention is better than the cure. We can’t stress the importance of applying sunscreen every single day. As a reminder regarding efficacy, SPF 50 protects against 98 per cent of UVB rays. The evidence is overwhelming! Do yourself a favour, slather up, and reapply facial sunscreen every few hours to prevent sun damage or (even worse) a skin cancer diagnosis.

What causes sun damage?

While some people are more susceptible to sun damage, like those with fair skin, anyone who spends time in the sun is damaging their skin. Without basic protective measures like a hat and sunscreen, the likelihood of sun damage increases rapidly. Past tanning bed use can accelerate UV damage over a shorter timeframe. Sun damage often surfaces months or years after the tan has faded. UV exposure changes our DNA at a cellular level, and in some instances, these changes not only age the skin but can also lead to precancerous spots.

What happens if sun damage is untreated?

Prevention is definitely better than cure when it comes to your skin and the sun. Once the damage is done, it can take years for the effects to surface on the skin.

Sun damage can lead to actinic keratosis, a thickened, scaly growth that develops years after exposure. If you notice these on your skin, you should see Dr Donnellan as it may need to be assessed and potentially removed. 

The good news is visible signs of sun damage can be managed and improved with a considered skincare routine and non-invasive treatments. Sunspots, lines and texture can all be improved with limited downtime.

When should I consider treating sun damage?

Regular skin checks should form a part of your skincare routine, especially if you have a family history of skin cancer. Sun protection should be used along with after-sun treatment as soon as possible after experiencing sun damage to replenish your skin’s moisture levels.

As for the after-effects of sun damage – wrinkles, blotches, brown spots, broken capillaries, and in some cases, skin cancers – there is a range of treatments you can use to lessen the appearance. Exfoliants, lightening agents, chemical peels, and antioxidant treatments are amongst the best options for speeding up the recovery process for your skin. For more pronounced sun damage, skin resurfacing and rejuvenation can complement your at-home routine.

If you’re now seeing the effects of damage from years ago, we’re here to help! Let’s explore what treatment options exist to reduce the appearance of sun damage.


Cosmelan is a skin peel that dramatically reduces dark spots caused by melanin, hyperpigmentation, and aging and is proven to reduce the appearance of pigmentation by 95%. This treatment also smooths and exfoliates the skin, restores luminosity, and is highly effective in treating melasma, PIH, liver spots, and freckles. 

Cosmelan targets and reduces pigmentation with a unique two-step process. Firstly, Cosmelan exfoliates the skin to reveal an even skin tone by removing layers of dead skin cells built up over time (the peel). Secondly, Cosmelan will then inhibit the production of melanin which is responsible for creating the colour/tone of your skin and is the cause of dark spots and hyperpigmentation.

When finished, the enzyme recovers its activity producing new melanin, particularly if there is sun exposure. Home care products must be applied to maintain results. Results can be seen within a few days. Full results are typically seen after 3 to 6 weeks of treatment. After a few days, you will notice skin blemishes fading, revealing a brighter complexion. After a couple of weeks, the skin will start to take on a shiny, healthier glow. Learn more about our Cosmelan treatment.


HydraFacial is a medical-grade facial that improves texture, fine lines, hyperpigmentation, oiliness and congested pores. It’s a four-step facial treatment designed to cleanse, exfoliate, extract debris from your pores and hydrate your skin for a clean and healthy glow.  

We perform microdermabrasion while simultaneously delivering cleansing and peeling serums to remove dirt from your pores and exfoliate dead skin cells from the surface layer of your skin. This provides you with a deep cleanse and improves the balance of the natural oils in your skin. Your skin is then infused with hydrating serums rich in antioxidants and peptides. These active ingredients help your skin cells to repair the damage caused by pollution, oxidation, and ageing. The thorough cleansing at the beginning of the treatment allows your skin to absorb the active ingredients in the serums and reveal a healthy, glowing appearance.

In addition to improving skin tone, texture, and overall skin health, HydraFacial also addresses skin care needs such as:

  • Fine lines + wrinkles
  • Even tone + vibrancy
  • Skin texture
  • Brown spots
  • Oily + congested skin
  • Enlarged pores

Learn more about our HydraFacial treatment.

CO2 Laser–Dot Therapy

DOT CO2 therapy is an extremely powerful and targeted rejuvenation treatment that delivers extraordinary results with far less discomfort or downtime than traditional laser resurfacing.

The benefits of DOT CO2 are permanent. DOT CO2 therapy is a safe and effective way to reverse the signs of aging or sun damage, smooth wrinkles and fine lines, improve the appearance of scars, address textural changes, and give your complexion a renewed glow.

DOT CO2 is a fractionated laser. Fractionated lasers create thousands of microscopic holes (DOTs) in the skin, vaporising columns of the outer and middle layers of the skin to generate a measured injury, which promotes an immediate healing effect and stimulates new collagen growth.

The unique quality of DOT CO2 compared to any other rejuvenating laser is its effect on collagen regrowth. Patients experience significant tightening and lifting in the treated area, and this is thought to be due to collagen stimulation arising from the unique wavelength only CO2 lasers produce. 

DOT CO2 is used to:

  • Improve the appearance of aged and sun-damaged skin
  • Improve skin texture and firmness
  • Soften wrinkles and lines
  • Reduce the appearance of scarring caused by acne, surgery and trauma

Learn more about CO2 Laser–Dot Therapy.

Active skincare

Active skincare is medical-grade skin care that contains active ingredients that work to restore healthy skin function. Our clinicians can create an at-home treatment plan to complement in-clinic treatments. We recommend and stock the Mesoestetic range, global leaders in medical cosmetics and aesthetic medicine. 

To learn more about treatments for sun damage, contact our team today!


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